Wilhelm Genn is a German show jumping rider and trainer and lives in the USA since 1987. His great history of more than 100 national and international wins in Grand Prix competitions in Germany, Canada, Mexico, and the USA speaks for itself. Highlights of his career are the qualification for the 2019 World Cup finals in Gothenburg and the huge success of 2018 winning the World Cup competition of the North America league in Sacramento. Additionally, he proved his expertise in training horses while succeeding with 90% selfly trained horses on past competitions and by transforming his students into Grand Prix riders. Two of the Genn family's sons, Ryan and Theo, found their passion of show jumping coming after their dad. Both of them are highly triumphant in Grand Competitions and achieved World Cup placings. A family of successful riders with a sense of successful horses!
See some of the best rides from the winning US Team!
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Watch our US and Canadian representatives competing internationally...