Trainer: Cynthia Richardson
Länge: 04:06 Minuten

Arabian Mane & Tail Care

Arabian Horse Association past president Cynthia Richardson discusses the importance of caring for the manes and tails on Arabian horses. Having a shiny, flexible mane and tail are indicators that the whole horse is healthy and well taken care of. In Arabian classes, the horses show in "natural mane and tail" which means the horses' manes and tails are supposed to grow as long as they can. Richardson discusses how she prepares, braids, and takes care of Arabian horse manes and tails to ensure they stay long, beautiful, and healthy for the show ring.

To learn more about Arabian horses, please visit the Arabian Horse Association and US Equestrian’s Arabian horse page.

Key Principals: 

Mane & Tail Preparation  Mane Tips and Braiding Tail Tips and Braiding 

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