Trener: Becky Moody
Długość: 23:55 minut

Suppleness and Rhythm for Youngsters

Suppleness and Rhythm for Youngsters

During this training session dressage rider and trainer Becky Moody guides this 4-year-old through his early weeks under saddle. Becky provides valuable insights into his natural disposition, responsiveness to aids, and the development of his canter, emphasizing the importance of suppleness and rhythm in his training.

Becky Moody is a well known British dressage rider. With a career spanning several years, she has achieved numerous accolades, including consistent high rankings in national and international competitions. Becky's dedication to nurturing young talents in dressage is evident in her role as the owner of "Caledonia Dressage Horses," where she focuses on developing the potential of young horses. Her training sessions and clinics are highly sought after by riders looking to improve their horsemanship and dressage techniques.

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