Trener: Imke Schlömer
Długość: 18:11 minut

Finding the right balance: How to become one with your horse

Finding the right balance: How to become one with your horse

How do I find the right position in the saddle? And when am I perfectly well balanced? With different exercises every rider can check and improve his balance on the horse. Johanna tries to ride in different positions on her horse, and monitors what happens with her body and how her horse reacts. 

Imke Schlömer is a physical therapist for horse and human. She focuses on the functional movement of riders, and developed with colleagues the principle of “Kastner Motion”, which focuses on the training of the rider’s seat. For the ClipMyHorse.TV Academy Imke accompanied several riders with their horses and explains motion sequences and connections of rider and horse. For more information about Imke click here! 

The ClipMyHorse.TV Academy provides tips and tricks for your daily training. No matter if you want to work on the basics, improve your flying changes or train for the next show-jumping course: We offer a wide range of training videos with professional trainers, fitness coaches and great athletes.

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