With the show jumping bloodlines that are so valuable in dressage
Quelle Couleur is extravagant- and not only because of his buckskin-coloured coat! The whole package is right here: charming type, correct foundations and luxurious paces. Quelle Couleur was approved for breeding in Münster-Handorf in 2021 - much to the delight of his many fans in the stands!
His sire Qaside MD is probably the first and so far only cremello in Germany to be licensed at a riding horse licensing - and what’s more, as a premium stallion. Even as a foal he stood out - and not only because of his colour. When he won the show in Pretzie, he received the score of 10 for his paces. At Klosterhof Medingen, he qualified for the German Foal Championships with 9.5. He left the Foal Championships in Neustadt/Dosse as Reserve Champion of the dressage colts. Ridden by Wibke Hartmann-Stommel he became Vice Regional Champion in Neustadt/D. as a three and four-year-old and was selected for the German Championships. Since then, he has achieved top placings in intermediate (M**) dressage competitions with Lara Maria Christiaans. From his first generations, he produced several licensed stallions and premium mares. His offspring have been placed in competitions for young riding horses.
His dam Come to Olympia has already produced successful offspring in competitions for young show jumping horses.
His dam's sire, Captain Fire, a son of the extremely versatile Contendro I, was successful with Marco Kutscher in the show jumping competitions of Stockholm/SWE, Munich/GER and Paris/FRA, after he became premium stallion at the NRW licensing in 2003 and German Champion of five-year-old show jumping horses in 2006 with Henrik von Eckermann/SWE (9.4). In 2007, he came second in the Holsteiner Masters Future Prize and in 2009, he collected placings, for example, in the World Cup competitions in Leipzig/GER. Captain Fire has already produced several licensed and premium stallions. Felix Haßmann’s SIG Captain America is one of the most successful of his offspring.
His grand-dam St.Pr./L.St.-S. Perle won intermediate (M) level show jumping competitions under her sport name Padua and produced the two licensed stallions Arpeggio (by Acord II) and Bipeggio (by Balous Bellini), who successfully competed in the international Youngster Tour in 2021. Perle also produced the 1.45m show jumping horse Chester (by Contendro I), three 1.30m show jumping horses, and the following mares: Her daughter Corona (by Cornet Obolensky) produced the 2013 Westphalian Show Jumping Champion, Bellini Royal (by Balous Bellini)/Lutz Gripshöver/GER, her daughter Colina (by Coronino) produced the 1.40m show jumping horse SMA Milano (by Cornet Obolensky) and her daughter Coralee (by Cornet Obolensky) produced the 1.60m show jumping horse Mylord Cornet (by Montender)/Misti Cassar/USA.
His great-grand-sire is the son of Pilot, Power, and Schöning appears in the fourth generation of his pedigree.
His great-grand-dam Schalmei also produced Carlo Colucci (by Casaretto), who was victorious at advanced (S) level dressage.
His fouth dam Dorina produced the Inter I dressage horse Dynamik (by Diamantino).
The licensed stallions Adjutant (by Adlerfarn II), Fidux (by Filter), Ganymed (by Grimsel) and Gladstone HDH (by Capistrano) as well as numerous show jumping horses, such as Otto Becker’s Pamina (by Polydor), Lou-Lou VLS (by Elivis ter Putte)/Yuri Mansur/BRA and Ramses van het Spaans Kwartier (by Toulon)/Sarah Segal/USA and dressage horses, such as the Grand Prix dressage horse Dancing Dynamit D (by Don Bedo)/Alexandra Hidien/LUX also descend from the Hanoverian dam line.
Colour comes into the game
Stallion Show