Trainer: Dr. Russel Freeland
Length: 24:15 Minutes
Watch as Dr. Russ Freeland talks about pre-purchase exams.
Dr. Russ Freeland talks about pre-purchase exams and their importance. A pre-purchase exam is done for the buyer to ensure the horse will be a good match for the individual and suitable for the role they are expected to fill.
When performing a pre-purchase exam, it's essential that you pick a veterinarian with experience within your discipline.The buyer should prepare for the exam and try not to get too attached to the horse in case the exam does not go as expected. During the exam, the veterinarian will go through the preparation steps with the buyer and look at the horse's medical history. The veterinarian will then perform the exam, including imaging and lab work, if needed.
Getting a pre-purchase exam is a vital part of the buying process to ensure your new horse will be the right one for you. Watch to learn more about pre-purchase exams!