Cvičiteľ: Emma Ford
Trvanie 08:34 minút

Preparing for an Event with Emma Ford

As barn manager and head groom for U.S. Olympic eventing rider Phillip Dutton, Emma Ford shares how being organized at home well in advance of an event can directly affect performance at the competition. She discusses the importance of a thorough daily grooming routine, the factors that go into the decision to body-clip a horse and how to body-clip, as well as clipping for the show itself. Ford also explains why taking the time to regularly clean tack not only helps protect your investment, but also plays a role in safety; how to choose and use studs, as well as preparing stud holes in a horse’s shoes prior to the event; and how electrolytes play a key role in a competition horse’s diet.


Key Principles:

Healthy Coat


Cleaning & Checking Tack

Prepping Studs

Electrolyte Balance


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