Cvičiteľ: Christoph Hess
Trvanie 16:47 minút

Laying the Groundwork: Why Rhythm is Crucial in Developing Collection

Lynn and the 7-year-old "Glitzerflitzer" are working with Christoph Hess on developing collection. They are concentrating on rhythm, relaxation, suppleness, and connection while slowly progressing to more advanced movements, starting with smooth transitions. Throughout the session Lynn is encouraged to keep giving and retaking the reigns to help maintain a steady connection independent from the bit. A key aspect of the session is achieving a clear 4-beat trot rhythm and a distinct 3-beat canter rhythm, both of which are crucial for mastering more advanced maneuvers. The primary goal is to perfect fundamental skills and cultivate collection, laying the groundwork for "Glitzerflitzer" to excel in future training sessions.


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