Cvičiteľ: Henrik von Eckermann
Trvanie 23:15 minút

A consistent rhythm and a good way to the jump are all you need

A consistent rhythm and a good way to the jump are all you need

A good rhythm make hitting the right distance to the jump a lot easier. When horses tend to get strong or hot the rider often starts trying to control the horse. However this is not always the right solution. Henrik von Eckermann shows how important a consistent rhythm is and also sits on one of the horses to demonstrate how a horses changes when it is finding its rhythm. 

Henrik von Eckermann is a Swedish showjumper who has already represented his country at several championships and became team olympic champion in 2021. Until 2016 he was a rider at Ludger Beerbaum Stable, then he started his own sport stable close to Bonn in Germany.


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