Cvičiteľ: Phillip Dutton
Trvanie 08:49 minút

How to Walk a Cross-Country Course with Phillip Dutton

The cross-country course walk at a three-day event is your opportunity to make a plan—and a contingency plan. The U.S. Eventing Team’s individual bronze medalist from the 2016 Rio Olympic Games gives you his insights on what you should know before you walk the course and what you should consider when you look at each jump or combination in a cross-country test.

For more information about three-day eventing, please visit the United States Eventing Association and US Equestrian’s eventing page.

Key Principles:

Understand the Course’s Questions Know Your Horse Be “In the Moment” Putting It All Together

This video is brought to you by Land Rover, the title sponsor of the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team. 


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