Cvičiteľ: Gemma Tattersall
Trvanie 09:26 minút

Getting fit for the season: Grid work!

Getting fit for the season: Grid work!

The Olympic Event rider Gemma Tattersall shows us a training session with her 14-year-old horse “Arctic Soul”, an already very experienced gelding. They show us a little winter exercise to get fit for the upcoming season. After a good warm-up Gemma rides through a grid with different fences to make her horse stretch a little and coordinate his feet.

About Gemma Tattersall
Gemma is a British Olympic Event rider who participated in the Olympic games in Rio 2016. She was part of the “World Class Development Programme”, a program to support young talents and upcoming athletes. She already rode successfully in the junior and young rider team, won the under 25 prize in Badminton and managed to qualify with three horses for the Olympics in 2016.
Produced by EquestrianProTV


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