Treinador: Christoph Hess
Tamanho: 23:33 Minutos

Working young horses according to the scales of training

Working young horses according to the scales of training

Training young horses is quite the task - especially if the goal for the future is to move on to the advanced level. Every horse has its own tempo as well as individual strengths and weaknesses. To ultimate goal: to support the horse the best way you can. A great guideline for working with horses of all ages, but especially for producing youngster, is the scales of training: rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion, straightness, and collection. Working according to the scales of training is a great way of supporting the horses natural development while giving them enough time to think about what they have learned and find a way to use that. In this lesson Christoph and Philipp Hess are working on preparing this 6-year-old stallion for lateral work using leg yields.

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