Entrenador: Dr. Katie Flynn
Duración: 08:59 minutos

Biosecurity During Competition

In this Learning Center video, Katie Flynn covers biosecurity during an event. Methods to protect horses include monitoring your horse's temperature, not sharing water or nose rags, washing hands or using hand sanitizer before touching a new horse, and reporting sick horses. USEF requires all competitions to have an isolation plan. State or federal animal health officials may also mandate next steps for quarantining horses that have been exposed to disease.

Katie Flynn, BVMS

Senior Veterinarian Equine Health and Biosecurity, US Equestrian

Dr. Katie Flynn joined U.S. Equestrian in 2023. Prior to joining USEF, Dr. Flynn was the Kentucky State Veterinarian, a role she assumed in 2020 when she was working as the Kentucky Department of Agriculture's (KDA) Deputy State Veterinarian. Dr. Flynn came to Kentucky by way of California, where she worked for 18 years as an animal health official, primarily with the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

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