Trainer: Jean Bemelmans
Length: 27:07 Minutes

Active hindlegs for a more collected canter: preparation for piourettes

Active hindlegs for a more collected canter: preparation for piourettes

In the beginning the focus is on increasing the speed and impulse in the exercises, then Jean Bemelmans gives good tips for preparing a good canter pirouette. When strengthening the canter and riding backwards a little, the rider's focus must always be on the quality of the canter. The horse must continue to canter loose, forward and in a good connection. The horse has to keep going in an active working canter so that he easily comes back and goes forward again. 

Jean Bemelmans is one of the world's most successful dressage coaches and he is also one of the most articulate. Join him as a guest at the series of events “The Old Masters”.

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