• Jumping
Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

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Diacontinus Sire
Stolzenberg Dam's sire
Chamonix Sire of dam's dam
DE 431315404515 | 107BF20
ZG Meyer u. Aller, Breeder
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"Dizzy Mizz Lizzy" is a dark brown mare born in 2015, registered with the Hannoveraner Verband (HANN). She has shown remarkable skills in show jumping, competing at a height of 1.45 meters. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy has been ridden by Felix Koller from Austria in 2023 and by Amelie Ottens from Germany in 2022. Her breeding lineage is impressive, being sired by Diacantinus, a 2010 grey Hannoveraner stallion, and descending from a line that includes notable horses like Diarado, Diamant de Semilly, and Contendro I. Her dam, Smilla, is also a Hannoveraner mare of the Hauptstutbuch class. This lineage reflects a strong tradition in show jumping, with many ancestors competing at heights ranging from 1.45m to 1.60m. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy's pedigree includes an inbreeding coefficient of 36.33% and traces back to the Holsteiner Stamm 1947 lineage.